Marriage Mentors

Have You Ever Had A Coach?

If so, you know that a coach's job is to bring out the best in your game, whether that is helping you make something good even better, or helping you overcome problem areas in your performance. Wouldn't it be nice if we had coaches who could help us in our marriage the same way? We do! Whether you are about to get married and want to be as prepared as possible, or you have been married a while and just need some coaching to make your marriage even stronger, our team of marriage mentors can help. We even have mentors who specialize in couples who have hit a significant "bump in the road." Our mentors will use a combination of proven relationship inventories, time-tested relationship skills, and their own journey as a married couple to help you move forward. You'll not only learn new ways of relating to one another under the loving accountability of a mentor, but you'll also build a lasting relationship with a mentor couple who can be a sounding board in the future.

How do I sign up?

After you complete your inventory, a mentor couple will be matched with you based on your background and needs as well as their life experiences. So why wait? If finding a good athletic coach for our kids is important, why would we hesitate to find a coach who can invest in our marriage!

Interested in Serving as a Marriage Mentor?

  • What: Couples with healthy and grown (not perfect) marriages who have the opportunity to invest in another couple for a season of their marriage. Mentors will be trained in the use of the Prepare-Enrich inventory, a marital inventory that helps highlight a couple's strengths and growth areas. Mentors will be trained and supported by our counseling staff.

    When: Bi-Weekly for 6 two-hour sessions

    Contact: Preston Crowe

  • What: This couple would become an "expert" in one particular area of marriage or one specific marriage curriculum, book, study, etc. They would then offer these studies in Life Groups or other small group settings in order to support ongoing groups in their effort build healthier marriages. Commitments would be short term for the length of the study.

    When: Weekly as needed for 4-8 weeks at a time.

    Contact: Preston Crowe